While useful for social networking, twitter also offers a useful medium for collaboration – for example, updating status on group projects.  Unfortunately, Twitter is not yet compatible with Gravatar so you will need to create a redundant profile if you already have one with Gravatar!

Click below to follow me on Twitter.

Thereby, it can be appreciated that Twitter offers a system around which Social Objects (SO) engaged as Learning Objects (LO) could be used to support education through providing the social networking framework necessary to create and exchange SO/LO packages.  Alternatives such as the prevailing Facebook, Ning and pending Google Wave services offer similar opportunities for SO/LO exchange and collaboration.  I personally find the potential for Google Wave fascinating as a merger of Email/Blogging type communication built around extensible social networking elements which could in my opinion easily become THE most widespread online social networking framework in the near future.

or the in depth longgg version ..